Student-Led Conference Post

Well first off I can sort of add and subtract negative numbers. I mean I got a C on the test we had for them. But I’m pretty good at multiplying and dividing negative numbers. If you look at my khanacademy you would see that out of 16 questions I got 13 right without a hint! Which is a major acomplishment to me since I stink at math.Besides multiplying and dividing negative numbers I can’t really do anything else without struggling which in my opinion is just sad on my part. My over all grade in Math is a C because one day I know the stuff the next day I don’t. My brain is filled with other things like ideas for my books. And with my brain there’s only so much space you know. If I could give myself a grade for Math I’d give myself a D because I try and try to understand Math, but I don’t really make any progress. So I guess that’s all for this post.

Estimating the Square Root of 44!!!!!!!

Okay first of all I just want to say I’m not good at this stuff so hopefully this makes sense. First you need to find a perfect square close to 44 ,and the one lower would be 36 and the slightly higher number would be 49. The perfect square for 36 is 6 and 49’s perfect square is 7. These are  how you find your middle points to finding the square root. Now what would be the number between 36 and 49? That would be 41.2 which between 6 and 7 it would equal 6.5. So the square root of 44 would be around 6.6. The real answer to the square root of 44 is 6.6. So I have done my math right who would have thought that was possible.

About Me Post!

I guess I should start with my name not that I would normally ,but I guess I can make an exception. My name is Brittany Ann Udell. I am 14 years old and my birthday March 16, 2000. One thing to know about me is I hate most people.  Anyway my favorite color is black. My favorite movie is Zombieland and my favorite game is Red Dead Redemption. My favorite song is See the Words as Weapons. In my spare time I write books. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister and yes they are a lot nicer than I am. Well…. lots of people are nicer than me but that is beside the point. Anyways this is my first post sorry if I sound rude.