Student-Led Conference Post

Well first off I can sort of add and subtract negative numbers. I mean I got a C on the test we had for them. But I’m pretty good at multiplying and dividing negative numbers. If you look at my khanacademy you would see that out of 16 questions I got 13 right without a hint! Which is a major acomplishment to me since I stink at math.Besides multiplying and dividing negative numbers I can’t really do anything else without struggling which in my opinion is just sad on my part. My over all grade in Math is a C because one day I know the stuff the next day I don’t. My brain is filled with other things like ideas for my books. And with my brain there’s only so much space you know. If I could give myself a grade for Math I’d give myself a D because I try and try to understand Math, but I don’t really make any progress. So I guess that’s all for this post.

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